July 29, 2004
This readworthy wired article delivers an update on GM food and the Flavr Savr tomato ...
This readworthy wired article delivers an update on GM food and the Flavr Savr tomato ...
Transgenic researchers treat the genome like software, as if it contained binary code. If they want an organism to express a trait, they insert a gene. But the genome is more complicated than software. While software code has two possible values in each position (1 and 0), DNA has four (A,C,T, and G). What's more, a genome is constantly interacting with itself in ways that suggest what complexity theorists call emergent behavior. An organism's traits are often less a reaction to one gene and more a result of the relationship between many. This makes the expression of DNA fairly mysterious.
form wired on GM food
... and lays out some threads of the inherent hubris of manipulated hybridisations to show nowadays methods working on the basis of genome knowledge to create the better food ... form wired on GM food
Add the knowledge and tools of biotechnology, though, and we are on the verge of something enormous. Plant genomes carry age-old records that reveal the complex manner by which nature manages itself. .
form wired on GM food
Let's see ... .. more to followform wired on GM food